2011年11月9日 星期三

Daniel facebook 更新 2011/11/3/ 2:51

Happy November to the best fans in the world! As you know, November 28 is Daniel's birthday (clap, clap, clap). Would anyone like to send a birthday message to Daniel? If yes, take a photo of yourself wishing Daniel a happy birthday (we love creativity) + we'll collect all the wishes to give to Daniel. He'll love it + be so touched. All birthday wishes should be sent to danielhenneyfan@gmail.com with your name + country. Have fun! - Love Team D
丹的生日快到了,Team D又在招募丹迷發揮創意了~號召各位製作有丹和自己的照片或卡片,寄到danielhenneyfan@gmail.com ,依照慣例,應該是會有幸運丹迷獲得一些幸運小禮~別忘了註明姓名和國家唷~

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