2011年2月22日 星期二

Daniel facebook 更新2010/2/18 13:17 (Team D)



Daniel in Cosmo Men's March issue. Shot in Hawaii, his transformed look for the adventure spread included lighter hair and a temporary mustache. When asked about 'love' in the issue, Daniel says, "I want to meet a person who I share a real connection with and understands who I really am“. Ah, sweet. - Team D


Dan這次是上了柯夢波丹2011年3月號的封面 (韓國版) 

據Team D說這次的相片是在夏威夷拍的...

這次新的造型很對我的胃口 非常的MAN...短髮 健康膚色 鬍子...


Dan說:I want to meet a person who I share a real connection with and understands who I really am.

大概的意思是 我希望能夠遇見一個人 分享我們之間的關係和瞭解真正的我)






By Daniel facebook

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